

Newbie Bug

Surprise Element

Group Name - Nokia 3310

Team Leader - Tanush Kapoor

Clue #1


I come in different shapes and sizes, 

And was made to cater to every taste.

I am beautiful and delicate, 

And made with no haste. 

My motifs are varied and different, 

And was one of the reasons for my greatest 

demand in the East and the West. 

I was very popular and known by two names, 

Both of which refer to the place where 

I was made. 

What am I?



Clue2 #

Enabling trade between one land and another 

I am a vessel like no other

I am a reproduction

Of beautiful skill and construction

Who am I??


Clue 3 #

an man with stick, a women with a sheet. We are from overseas, what are we?

